DrewE wrote:
fairway2002 wrote:
Your buying a new 50 amp cord. Just run a 50 amp cord and barker box and keep 30 amp cord as is. if park has 50 amp plug is will have 30 amp.
Please don't do what (it appears to me that) this is suggesting. You should never ever have two inlet cords connected together; you must have some sort of a transfer switch arrangement that positively eliminates any possibility of one cord being energized from the other when one is plugged in.
If you have the 30A and 50A cords both connected to the same main breaker (or some similar arrangement), the unplugged end of the cord not in use will be hot and be a shock hazard. If both are plugged into a power box and the phases happen to be right, you can get a dead short between the two legs through the cords; in that case, one very much hopes that the breakers for the power post are working properly!
It would be safe, though rather unnecessarily complicated in my opinion, to have a 30A circuit off of the 50A panel feeding a 30A receptacle to plug the 30A shore power cord into, somewhat like how some RVs hook up a generator with a socket to plug the shore cord into. In this case, the 50A panel and circuits would be completely separated from the 30A panel and circuits aside from plugging into the new 30A receptacle.
Don't worry; I dismissed that the minute I read it !
jack L