THe first reply gave you the numbers but did not give you the conversion.
MOST plug in appliances come with a 15 amp plug, two parallel blades, one may be a bit wider (The neutral side) or not, and an optional round pin (Safety ground).
These are 120 volt devices and to convert watts to amps the formula is "watts/volts" or in this case 1,000/120
Now, this applies to hot plates, stoves, light bulbs and other things WITHOUT A MOTOR OR TRANSFORMER.
If you have a coil of wire (other than the "Coil" of a hot plate that is) such as a motor or a transfoemer, Then the conversion is a bit more complex,, But since you were asking about a hot plate you may stop reading here.
Again, Unless you are working with motors or transformers stop here
For Inductive/Capacitive loads, Watts = Amps*Volts*Power factor
The best way to calculate it is to use a Kill-A-Watt and measure it, but you can do the math if you wish.
I know of cases where the amps were great, the volts were great (440 3 phase) and the watts were .. next to nothing (Power factor approached zero) I know the man who fixed it. (about 2 bucks worth of parts he had in his junk box).
Man was the highest paid electronics technician in the city he lived in. Was a college teacher, and .. Never graduated high school, (Dropped out in grade 8). All self taught.. He's a friend of mine.