First I’d like to thank you guys for your information. It appears that it really doesn’t matter what company you use, the service, is less then I would expect from a SERVICE company.
The company that I use begins with a L, don't know how many may be out there. Yesterday, I thought that everything had been resolved. The RX had been faxed, I called the local (over an hours derive from where we are staying) and spoke to one of the reps, I told her exactly what I needed, the size of the tanks and the number of each size that I wanted to exchange. I was told that the tanks would be pulled and brought up front so that I could pick them up.
When I arrived today, the person that I spoke to was not available, but they said that they would try and help me. Well it turns out that they did not have any of the size tanks that I had told them I had. They did give me the same number of full tanks to replace my empties, the problem is none of them have the same capacity as the tanks I brought in, They did not fit my portable walking rack or the carry bags that I have. I took the tank, because I was out and needed them.
I'm going to try and conserve the tanks as much as possible so that I have enough to make it home without having to deal with these people again. I was not aware of the 5 year thing with Medicare. I will check on that.
The company that I use for my Cpap, has been good, when I called them, they will ship to where every I am, usually with a day or two.
As far as the portable concentrator, I have been doing some research, but don't know enough to make an educated purchase yet. if anyone can recommend a portable unit, I would like to here from you.
Well guy, thank all of you again for your help. Maybe one day there will be a SERVICE provider that will provide service.