Basic difference between traveling for business and personal travel is -- your company is usually paying for your business travel. As full-timers, even a savings of $5 night is $1,825.00 in a year, so imagine if you were able to save $20 per night on your fees. As full-timers we don't usually use any of the amenities, but do not want to pay big bucks to park at a campground that is like a parking lot or bare field with a chain link fence around it,. There are many many like that. We do prefer forestry or corp of engineer parks where you are given a clean site at a reasonable rate. There are bathrooms & showers (usually clean) if we want to use them, we can hike, fish, and many have laundry facilities available. They are lakeside and some have a beach and swimming. As seniors we get this for $6 - $15 per night depending on where the park is located.