Rvers are a diverse group of people. SOme are just anti everything and out of their own core principles will pay for nothing. There are plenty of Wally Worlds and dirt roads for them and thats ok for them. Others have to mind their p's & q's as thats all they have, some of them, this is their only home, and thats ok for them. We also now have the uber well off, who have taken to the road in their 40 foot calls A mega buses and thats all fine as well. Me like a majority of rvers I fall in between all that. I have just enough that when the road calls, I will stay where I wish and pay what I want so myself and family can have a good time as well. That can mean some premium cg's at the hiegh of tourist season. Still way less expensive than hotels and we bring more stuff with us for enjoyment. There is no hauling suitcases here and there. Stopping along the way for a sandwich overlooking a vista. The common bond is rving, the freedom to travel at will, with a diverse group of places to stay. I like premium parks and I like dry camping on the beach with no hookups. Rving allows me to have more time off as it is economical and my family enjoys it.