lawnspecialties wrote:
I'm going to assume the post about Costco being a liberal company is in response to their stance on raising the minimum wage. Costco has always paid their employees far better than the norm for "common" retail store positions. They know that if the minimum wage is raised to something like $15/hr., its going to put a LOT of their competition on the curb.
I personally have always resented the concept of a retail store making me pay them up front money just for the privilege to shop in their store. That's just me. :)
Being a liberal company has nothing to do with minimum wage. The guys in charge are clearly liberal in their beliefs and support a liberal agenda. As the decision makers, they have every right to run the company the way they see fit. My choice is to not support them.
I think paying a higher minimum wage and offering benefits will always bring in a higher qualified workforce, and if I am looking for a job then I would definitely look for ones that paid more, but that should never be mandated by law.
Research is how I came to learn it is a liberal company.