Just for a slight ray of hope....
I recently recovered from Covid 19, a doctor that I had for my Valley Fever whom I know fairly well, had a patient in the hospital with Covid 19 in critical condition. With all the chatter regarding "Convalescent Plasma" it was a No Brainer for me to Donate for this patient. Now without revealing those person's, places and things involved, the ICU doctor and my doctor did not expect this patient to make it through the weekend. I don't know everything that was involved due to Privacy issues but I do know this person did make it through the weekend and LUNG wise, where it was critical condition was now in stable condition.
I only mention this here because if you or anyone you know has made a recovery, Donating blood/plasma is needed. It's use is generally in the most severe of cases and while it may not work every time, it is another weapon in a doctors arsenal to combat the horrid conditions of this Virus. The larger the Data Base with Donors, the more patients that can be helped. It is Blood type specific so the need is for all Blood types. Sorry for my long winded "PSA" message but just wanted to throw it out there.
MODERATOR'S EDIT: Per the site Admin's request, I am closing all COVID-19 threads and directing future comments to one thread in Around the Campfire.2019–20 CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC POSTINGS