After almost 7 years of using my CPAP on the coach's 12V battery system, I added a small electric refrigerator and there was no longer enough juice to go around. My solution was to purchase two small lithium "solar generators." They won't run the CPAP on 12V (not enough amps on that port), but the CPAP runs fine when using their built-in inverters. Each cost less than $200 with coupons found on Amazon or on YouTube reviews, they are light enough for me to lift easily, they recharge quickly from the truck alternator when I drive, and each powers the CPAP for 2 nights without humidifier.
Caution: The results for your Dreamstation will be different. My camping CPAP is an old Phillips 60W. My HMO recently stopped supporting my old faithful CPAP and they gave me a new one which draws 90W and won't work on my RV's electrical setup. The old one still works and I can buy filters and such from, but my insurance won't pay for that. Insurance also did not pay for the 12V cord to use in the RV or for my two little power supplies.
Buying two may not be what you need, but think about it. Two small ones are cheaper than one big one, you can charge one while you use the other, and if one fails you still have the other one.