Desert Captain wrote:
Interesting (and slightly terrifying), thread. :E I must admit that the folks here who advocate just ignoring the upcoming lane closure warnings (while blasting past all of the folks who didn't), until the last minute, then jamming on the brakes and forcing their way in have convinced me.... to finally break down and buy a Dash camera. Sent an e mail to Santa just this morning for a nice, quality catching/documenting device that will surely pay for itself thousands of times over the first time there is an accident.
Thanks again for all your input, I've put off adding this bit of protection for far too long.
Agree....Iv'e hauled trailers for one of the trucking companies for some time...and a few years ago....when price came doen..and Quality came up...I bought a GOOD dash cam.
I can record about 4 days... in High Quality ....if an interesting thing occurs...I put it in the computer...for later..