beemerphile1 wrote:
It scares the bejeebers out of me that supposedly responsible drivers on this forum still choose to ignore the correct merger technique. They not only ignore it but refer to those that use correct technique as "morons".
No one is advocating driving at 70 MPH while passing stopped or slowed traffic, that would be considered 'reckless operation' or 'driving too fast for conditions'. What I do advocate is using both lanes to the point of merger and then orderly alternating vehicles entering the single lane. That is how highway engineers intend for it to be done.
If you choose to be sheeple and sit in stopped traffic while there is an open lane, that is your choice. Just don't blame me for using the open lane until the point of merger.
The problem here in Minnesota is the drivers are all still used to the old way of doing things. If I stay in the lane that is ending until I get to the merge point nobody will let me in without forcing my way in. Minnesota drivers still have the mentality that anyone waiting until the last second to merge is cheating even with all the signs.
I'm unclear how having two lanes of traffic until the very last second is any faster than everyone moving over earlier, but the transportation departments all say it is faster.