kingbrutis wrote:
Still looking. There are a ton of trailers out here in AZ so lots of choices. Forgot to say our 30 and 70 lb dogs will be making the trek also. We will need room for their crates. Not sure we will even need to set them up, though. They are older and well behaved. So finding a big enough trailer, with a queen bed, bunks for the boys, all the standard equipment, hopefully a slide, and can be towed by a Murano. It narrows things down fast.
Check out your towing and weight capacities
Your payload capacity is going to be the primary thing to consider. Depending on which year Murano and which model you have, your payload is going to be around 1300 lbs. Add the weight of passengers, dogs, and any other cargo along with the weight of a WDH and subtract from the payload. Besides the 3500 lb. towing capacity, the remaining payload is going to be the limiting number. That remainder will influence what trailer you get because of the tongue weight.