kingbrutis wrote:
So finding a big enough trailer, with a queen bed, bunks for the boys, all the standard equipment, hopefully a slide, and can be towed by a Murano. It narrows things down fast.
i'm not sure whether you've had a reality check or not, but there is no such animal for a tow vehicle with a towing capacity of only 3500lbs.
Equalizer hitch and shocks aren't going to make a difference with such an inferior tow vehicle.
one, most trailers with a GVWR of 3500lbs. have extremely poor CCC amounts.
two, the weights of your passengers and cargo in the Nissan, will lower that 3500 number, along with the weight of the WDH.
third, the only trailers in that weight range, will be no longer than 17' and none in that size have slideouts.
you better think about a different tow vehicle if you expect to pull something big enough for a family of your size AND two big dogs.