mkirsch wrote:
I thought friction sway controls were not to be "adjusted." They are either on or off. Crank them down or release them, no in between
You are partially correct. The friction controls handle is supposed to be used as an On/off device and not to control how much fricion is generated by the control. You are supposed to tighten it as far as it goes every time so you can be consistent in your settings.
The adjustment for the control is done with the small bolt located below the long handle. This should be turned in 1/4 turn adjustments until the desired control is achieved. Of course, this is usually a one time event and you do not change it for different conditions.
About the only time you would want to change the friction setting with this bolt is when you tow a different trailer that may be lighter or heavier than the one you initially adjusted it for.
About the only time you would change the handle location is during slippery conditions in which case you may want to loosen it all the way (snow,ice,rain,sand,etc). This is done so the truck will turn as intended and not just try to stay straight in a turn. I say "may" because in the many years that I used one, I never loosened it at all even when towing in snow. Never had a problem doing that but admit it is contrary to the printed instructions.