I just got a 2014 Equinox 4 cyl. AWD. The owner's manual says to put the tranny in neutral, key in accessory, shut off all accessories like the radio etc and pull a fuse on the inside fuse box. Pulling that fuse diables the electric steering (I think only the 4 cyl has this) and leads to something called the death wobble. Most people leave the fuse in and charge the toad from the 7 pin connector.
I got all this info right here in this forum.
Wild ToadEquinox Being TowedMine weighs 3700 lbs and has a 65 MPH speed limit. I too was dismayed at the price of 10 year old Jeeps and Honda CR-Vs when looking for a toad. It's like they were made of gold. For the price of a 10 year old CR-V with 150,000+ miles I got a 3 year old Chevy with 30,000.
If you want a sedan, the Malibu has the same setup.