Who would read a thread on "Release, Waiver of Liability, Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement Forms at Campgrounds"? The same people who read the fine print on those forms when registering?
Now, is it too far of a stretch to think a campground is "dangerous" to your well-being if you don't know what you are signing-- that by registering and signing a form you may (Or maybe not) have given up your rights and also become an insurer? Or at least know the risks or non-risks? If these forms have no effect, why have them?
I've noticed these forms popping up at some campgrounds and wondered about them. Had not really noticed them before when camping.
Apparently, similar forms are becoming common in other businesses.
If you don't wonder about them, you don't have to read this thread. Plenty of other threads to read.
And if these types of issues violate the RV.net posting rules, moderators can delete.