The software industry has been doing this for decades. When the operating system crashes and a computer fails and a hospital life support system fails and someone dies you do not get to sue Microsoft. If your Quicken or other tax program calculates your deductions improperly and the IRS comes after you, there is no liability on the part of the software company.
The reality is that in the courts the justice you get is the justice you can afford to buy and the people with the most bucks, i.e. deepest pockets win.
There is also the insanity on the part of many Americans who think that suing is going to accomplish something when this is seldom the case and the attorneys encourage them to go after not the person or persons most at fault but the people with the deepest pockets. Years ago I saw this first hand with a teenager bought beer first at a liquor store and then hours later at a 7-Eleven store and then drove into a wall killing the passenger. The parents of the boy that was killed proceeded to sue the parents of the boy driving the car, the liquor store, the 7-Eleven franchisee, the 7-Eleven corporation, the used car dealer that sold the boy the car, and the city of San Jose that had built the wall beside the road.
But far worse are all the banksters that have stolen billions of dollars and put through thousands of fraudulent foreclosures and put families out on the streets and have yet to spend a single day in court much less a night in jail. Under American law a corporate employee can knowingly act in a manner that causes the deaths of many workers (as in the chemical, oil, mining industries in particular) and never get indicted or spend a day in jail. Worst case his company pays a fine but the executive gets to keep his bonus.