RespondingBack wrote:
1. Forum Rules:
You may include URLs or active links to commercial sites for the purpose of expanding on comments or providing additional information as part of regular forum interactions.
-- Link was to an article generally talking about these types of forms. If you know the blog is "bogus", please clarify. Found article by searching for release forms, and thought it gave a good explanation.
2. See if this thread gets deleted.
So far, OP has been accused of looking just to complain, encouraged to get out of RVing, posting a thread which should be deleted by moderators as legal, not willing to accept others' opinions and should therefore not participate in open discussions, and now violating forum rules for posting link to a "bogus" site.
So it doesn't take much to inflame folks, and with sufficient personal postings, get thread deleted. .
Meanwhile, there have been some interesting posts which makes it worthwhile.
"The ultimate good desired is better reached by free trade in ideas -- that the best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market, and that truth is the only ground upon which their wishes safely can be carried out."-Oliver Wendell Holmes
Your thread title goes beyond what Mr. Holmes surmised.