Want to find out about a neighborhood you are thinking of living in then go back at night after the people get home from work.....Or in my case we took on a needy family for thanksgiving one year when I was in the service. We got their name and address from the Salvation Army . When we went to deliver the 400 dollars worth of food, after speaking to the mother we got there about 5 minutes later only to find she was not there. The young boy who lived in the apt. said just put it on the porch. We could not do that because we had frozen food and ice cream and milk etc. stuff that had to be refrigerated. We convinced him that it needed to be put in the refrigerator. He allowed us to come into the kitchen and low and behold they had 2 refrigerators. Both full of food......I did notice that there were no vehicles parked in the parking lot of this sprawling complex. Which we thought was odd. We came back that night and wow newer autos were parked every where. We determined that they were hiding from welfare and social workers checking to see if the residents were in fact in need of assistance.....So you will find out the dirt on the residents....