It matters not what word you use to describe it… they are needed more than ever… just today every intersection with a light I came to had no less than 3 running the light while making left turns across traffic alone…
How do I know??? The ones going in the same direction I saw as many as ten drive on through after the light changed to red (not short yellows), and the ones coming from the other direction had fewer because I could only count the ones coming through after I already had the green light… there is a period of time where the lights are red before opposing traffic gets a green light…
Also at one light two ahead of me clearly ran the red light, I stopped and one in the lane to my left but behind me and two in the lane to my right went through the light after I stopped, one straight through and one turned right…
So go ahead and install these revenue generating cameras, they are needed and after they produce plenty of revenue they will also reduce the number of violators…
I would rather take my chances with the camera than the idiot drivers that just plain ignore the laws…