These are not poorly designed intersections… these are people that willfully and wantonly ignore the law and either speed up to get through before the what you call delayed green… if they follow the guy ahead of them close enough through the left turn the now oncoming traffic has to let them through…
No it’s not the design of the intersection it’s to many people willing to push the limits and a lack of enforcement because there is too much traffic and to many intersections… of course we don’t want the police at every intersection either and would call that harassment…
As much as I don’t like them, If anyone don’t think the lights are a safety issue, just turn them off and watch what happens… with them working and someone going through them they are the safety problem and they put everyone else at risk…
Maybe gates coming down and blocking the road is the better answer… boy I could hear the crying then…
This isn’t complicated… we make it complicated for argumentative sake, that’s all…
there isn’t enough people to police the problem, no one wants to pay for enough of them…
use of cameras and very stiff fines is a great answer…. Any fraud or graph found of any kind by the operators or officials, become felonies with automatic penalties…
I am interested to hear about the constitutional issues… did they have traffic lights or speed cameras in mind…
How do I not support our rights and freedoms…
so you are saying you have a right to ignore the traffic lights and the freedom to decide for yourself without regard for others safety…
yep, Welcome to the bizarro world of immorality, where up is down and wrong is right.
Where everything someone disagrees with becomes a constitutional issue and we become the victim who’s rights have been violated…
How so? You disagreed with what is normal? Do you defend what thee DC Politicians made quite so clear: that it was to raise revenues?
Study after study has shown them to not create safer roads and intersections.
Constitutional, yes: Our Constitution is to protect us from the overreach of, or making Law that break it. Criminal codes to raise money: you agree with that? How about Asset Forfeiture? There was Landsccaper, several years ago, in Nashville that withdrew a large sum of money from his bank to buy whatever for his business. He was stopped at the airport and it was seized without any evidence of anything. It took him a long time and a lot of money to get it back and ruined his business in the meantime if I remember correctly. Guilty without evidence or trial. I hope they lock all the drug dealers but this is not the American way.
And so on. There is nor rationalizing that will make it right. Using the criminal codes to raise money is a crime.