harold1946 wrote:
DiskDoctr wrote:
Bumpyroad wrote:
skyflyer wrote:
It's not about money but safety.
It's simple make it manatory ALL MONEY COLLECTED GOES TO CHARITY.
Goodwill, Salvation Army, Red Cross.
It's about safety right?
hey great idea. and don't let third parties profit from the fines.
See how 'charitable' these camera company vultures are when they don't get to line their own pockets!
Every proposal I've seen for these cameras have projected revenue as a prominent pitch.
Why not start up your own company providing traffic cams free of charge. Draw no salary,not pay your employees, supply and maintain the equipment at your own expense. Just think of the good things you could do.
Another possibility would be to write out a check each year, (independent of taxes) to help cover all those things that need maintained/improved.
the city could do that with existing personnel,etc.
and I do write out checks each year helping support the govt.
but if private organizations can make a profit doing this, why not the govt. with any and all funds collected over basic maintenance going to charity/charitable local organizations.