westernrvparkowner wrote:
You will not win a "he said, she said" argument against a radar gun citation. There have been countless tickets written using radar readings as evidence and it is accepted in court after court as fact of speed being traveled. Police radars are frequently calibrated and certified as accurate. I think it is safe to say that you were traveling 55 when the radar recorded your speed. Were you were in or out of the actual speed zone is a different question, yet it is another argument you would almost assuredly lose without some pretty rare video documentation. Seeing that it was a construction zone, your $240.00 fine and court costs is an extreme bargain. In many states those fines are $500 to $1000 at a minimum.
The point you make is right but don't challenge the calibration of the detector request the training record of the officer citing you as well... It's an oft forgotten compliance issue by many police departments.