If I was storing Florida or Southeast outside or any high humidity area in winter a small heater and dehumidifier. Some can be adjusted to shut or at 35% or 50% humidity and so on. You don't want to simply plug one in and forget it. They have been known to catch fire. Pit it on a metal insulated fireplace/stove (what ever it is called) base. If you run the drain hose to sink make sure there is RV antifreeze in the holding tank. The small heater ill keep things inside from freezing up. Brother has a Trailer parked outside with a small heater and it keeps it in nice shape but metal, cold on the outside warm on the snide sweats and mold etc follows. I very seriously doubt those desiccants can take as much moisture as will be generated. The MH of course has dash air vents to the outside. Towables still have holes for plumbing etc so use an electric dehumidifier.