OFDPOS wrote:
Funny how options aren't worth squat on trade in at the RV lot, but they sure are when the RV lots are selling them !!!
Lots of potential issues with getting a higher price due to add ons:
- Are they out of date, worn out or in need of replacement (example: a high end 10yr old sterio probably doesn't have a connection for an MP3 player)?
- Do potential buyers consider them as useful as you do (they didn't sell well enough for the manufacturer to make them standard)
- Were they a quality installation or some yahoo bolting them on all slapdash?
- Buyers don't typically price out options when looking at used units as too many ads don't have the details, so you tend to get lumped in with all the other similar models.
Just like with upgrades to your house, buy options because you will enjoy using them not because they will increase the value of the RV come sales time.