Everitt wrote:
My wife and I are getting ready to purchase a new fifth wheel trailer and I noticed that states have different maximum length of trailer laws. What happens if your trailer is longer than the maximum length of trailer law for a state you wish to traveling in?
First, max length AFAIK in all states is overall length, not spoecific to trailer length.
Next, in theory you could be ticketed, most or all states don't follow reciprocity for length. In reality it's not likely to be an issue.
It would be interesting to hear from anyone that has been stopped for being overlength, what instigated the stop, and what the results were.
I suppose if you were stopped for something else, speeding etc. and the officer decided you weren't co operating, then they might at overlength to the infraction.
My combo, with bikes on the back is 65ft. that is the legal limit in Oregon on major roads. Many secondary roads we travel on have a 55ft limit. Never had an issue. Likewise we have been through states that have limits less than 65 ft and never an issue.
Likewise I have seen several rigs in Oregon campgrounds that are clearly in violation of the 65ft overall length.
The MUCH MUCH bigger issue for us is making sure we can get the trailer into the campground and into the spot we want. Length is a MUCH bigger issue in campgrounds!