High school groups, scouts and other civic groups often sell cards good for discounts at local merchants. Many areas have a book of discount coupons for stores, restaurants and services. I’ve also seen them promoted as a ‘great way to save on your Disney vacation’.
In my experience they tend to be local in coverage. Heavily focused on non-chain restaurants.
As with any ‘discount’ they are valuable if they are for services you normally use.
There is a TACA ? card available to anyone in Texas. It gives 10-15% off regular rates at a few hundred RV parks in Texas. They are found in a free booklet of RV parks available at almost all Texas welcome centers.
We’ve seem similar books/ discount listings at other state welcome centers. Just one additional reason to stop there if you don’t already have reservations for all nights of your stays in the state.
Personally we travel too much to take advantage of the booklets of discount coupons, but do sometimes use the state level RV discounts if the card/ coupons are free.
The only RV focused discount that I pay for is Passport America. And of course my lifetime US Federal Senior Pass, which the OP is not eligible to obtain because they are not US citizens/ residents.
(We do use Good Sam or Escapees discounts at RV parks occasionally, but any RV Park Discount is not why we belong to those organizations.)
We do not stay at KOA parks, but there are many people on this forum who do, and the KOA card is valuable to them.
As I said above, almost any discount card/ coupon is valuable if you use it. And a waste of money/ time if you do not.