Seems a lot of vaguaries in the questions. John's your man to answer this as best as possible. I will add in my experience, I was dialing too much spring into my setup early on (before I had accurate weights) and my 1100 lbs of tongue with my 1200 lb bars actually put enough force on the receiver to tear out the steel on the bottom of the OEM receiver tube! I have had a Drawtite unit installed as a replacement over the Orignial for about 8 years now and it has been very good. No flex or wind up. So, for reference, I'd worry as much about the receiver as the bars. The bars can probably take it. The weaker link in the system, not so much. Last time I weighed mine years ago it was putting enough force on the front axle to return to nearly zero at the start, plus like 50 lbs. Get weights then youll know.