We camp alot off the power grid and use our BATWING antenna big time. IT does raise however and looks like this GOOGLE SEARCH photo. Also has the UHF DIPOLES which helps big time...

I have never seen the BATWING antenna that wasn't a raise type... You would thing as big as the BATWING antenna is it would hit the air conditioner or something if it wasn't raised up...
I have seen some newer trailers come out with the no raise KING JACK antenna which will probably do what yours is doing... This antenna does ROTATE however..

I am assuming you are going to your TV MENU and selecting ANTENNA and then also pushing in the BUTTON on the ANTENNA PANEL (LED COMES ON) that sends up 12VDC power for the roof antenna BOOSTER AMPLIFIER inside the BATWING antenna housing.

The trick is to point the antenna to the local towns where the NATL BROADCAST CLEAR TV stations are located and then scan in the digital TV Signals before you can view them... Somtimes we don't see any digital station start being counted in scan menu and then we stop scanning and move the antenna one way or the other a few degrees and start scanning all over again... Here on the East side of the US we most always get at least 6-36 CLEAR HDTV signals.
There are places especially out West where there are fewer towns and it may hard to find any CLEAR TV channels.
Roy Ken