I had a 03 Springdale 269rlls with a dry weight of 5750 and tongue of 540. I assume my weight when traveling was 6500-6700 and a TW of 650 lbs. I never used a WDH with my truck in sig. I never experienced any sway once properly loaded or anything. Now with the new trailer. It lists 7000 dry and a TW of 1035 I towed this home from the dealer on the ball for 3 hours with no issues. Truck did sag 3 inches but zero sway. I have a class 5 hitch with a drawbar and ball rated for 17K +lbs and 1700tw. I started to use a eazlift to take care of the bouncing but have yet to hook up the sway bar. I did get the truck back up 2 inches as well. But to the original poster. Only you will know if WDH is needed. Everybodys setup is different.