I've been towing a 7000# TT, 900# tongue weight, with my Ford factory class III hitch and Equalizer 12000# WD hitch.(trailer weights are Wet).
I'm getting rid of the trailer and picking up a lighter trailer with a dry weight of 3900# and a dry hitch weight of 500#. Based on my previous TT, I'll be carrying about 800 - 900# of gear/food/water, so Wet weights for the new trailer should be about 4800# GVW and around 600# or so tongue weight.
I'm thinking it might be nicer to upgrade to a Class IV hitch and skip the WD hitch. I used to pull the old trailer with a one ton diesel and it was drop the coupler on the ball and go and I would sure like to get back to that instead of messing with another WD hitch.