MLWalton wrote:
The one I'm looking at is a 2019 Keystone Cougar 366rds.
Dry weight ----- 11,202#
Dry Pin -------- 1,990#
18% dry pin ratio (low for 5th wheel---typically 20% - 25%)
GVWR ----------- 13,990#
18% ------------ 2,518#
Wet pin will be closer to 2800#
Truck Payload.....3176#
IS that from Data Sticker ON your truck or from Mfg. Brochure???
From truck sticker
3176 minus wet pin 2800 ====657#
Then subtract 5th wheel hitch weight
Then substract ALL Passengers/Stuff in cab etc
Run out of payload.......which is NOT that big of a deal
More importantly is the trucks rear axle rating and tire load ratings
With a 6340# RAWR you will have room to carry that 2800# WET Pin
(I have a 6200 RAWRT and my WET PIN is 3080#. Puts be AT RAWR and under Rear Tire Load Rating)