Forum Discussion

WoodGlue's avatar
Feb 23, 2014

Do You Decorate Your RV Fridge?

Do you decorate your RV fridge with photos and misc like you may do at home? If yes, how about some tips and photos of your setup?

  • Wood paneling and plastic trim......magnets don't stick.

    Kids are long gone so we have gotten use to an unadorned fridge. And I really like not having to pick stuff up off the floor after closing fridge door.
  • We have a black fridge and it is typically decorated with fingerprints.
  • We just have a dry erase board there so we can make a list of things we need for the next trip.
  • We do - sort of....
    DW has collected magnets from lots of places. Those and two Hazard Fright cheapo magnetic flashlights (very handy)are stuck to the door.

  • Nothing on the outside. Minimalist here. That would be clutter to me :) I live by 'less is more' and I have nothing on my fridge at home either.
  • Nothing on the outside. Decorated the inside with the contents of a quart container of Clam Chowder once. What a mess.
  • Our fridge has the black doors. We've put just a couple of Georgia Tech and Georgia Southern static cling "stickers" on it. At home, I can't even tell color of the doors it so cluttered!
  • We don't decorate our RV fridge. We like to keep the clutter to a minimum. :)