Your profile does not give a whole lot of background. We used a tow-dolly with great success for 25+ years. Finally gave it up when the knees and back complained more than I wanted to hear. We now tow 4 down. Our previous RVs had a 454 gas engine, then a Ford V 10, then the Workhorse 8.1, now a diesel. Never noticed any change in driving towing a light car over the California mountains. MPG seemed to stay between 6 and 8, never more than 8mpg and usually closer to 6...lots of mountains. We have rented a car on occasion when towing seemed inappropriate for the destination. Renting, though easy, is still a bit of a hassle, especially if it is for a short period. Wait for the pickup, drive to the office, wait for the clerk to finish the current customer, then fill the paperwork, and finally arrange for return. There are exceptions. In West Yellowstone, Big Sky had the car waiting for us at the KOA, and we left the keys with the KOA office when we left. Same was true at Circle of Pines KOA in Williams AZ, using Route 66 Rentals. Our Avis club card has all the paperwork prepared in advance, but unless it is an airport pickup you still have to wait for a driver to fetch you. Then there is always insurance. If you scratch or dent your car you can cry, moan, scream, and get all sorts of angry. If you dent the rental you will have to pay the deductible, pay lose of use on the vehicle, and make the insurance claim, unless you cough up the $10 to $20 dollars a day for full coverage insurance.
If your young, or at least flexible, there is nothing wrong with a tow-dolly.
JMHO and Happy Trails.
PS: We're taking a long weekend to visit friends this weekend and I will be renting a car at the destination.