Forum Discussion

steelhunter's avatar
Sep 15, 2019

Do you use a cargo trailer?

Do you tow a cargo trailer?

I was thinking about getting one for an atv and misc things. Might be nice for extra water, a nice barbecue, fishing and hunting gear, and tools.
  • Yes. Behind a truck n camper. It’s the garage.

    Suggest a tandem axle even a light one they ride smoother than single wheelers.

    Suggest one with brakes even if not required by law.

    Suggest RV type walk-in door latch and an interior light.

    A vent fan is nice.

    You cannot spin a tandem around by person power in a tight spot or to point the door where you want it.
  • steelhunter wrote:
    Do you tow a cargo trailer?

    I was thinking about getting one for an atv and misc things. Might be nice for extra water, a nice barbecue, fishing and hunting gear, and tools.

    watch your weights. in general, the maximum amount of weight you can safely tow will be the lesser of the following:

    - the GCWR (gross combination weight rating) of the MH minus the actual weight of the MH (defined as the sum of the actual weights on each axle) as it is loaded for travel (includes fuel, fresh water, food, clothing, people, pets, supplies, etc.)

    - the weight rating of your tow bar

    - the weight rating of your hitch

    this is why it's vital to know what your MH weighs as it is loaded and configure for travel before choosing a toad. Your MH will not collapse if it is overloaded but you will experience handling issues as well as longer braking distances and accelerated wear on suspension, brakes, steering, etc.