Forum Discussion

cbshoestring's avatar
Explorer II
Apr 13, 2016

Don't be this person--PIC

A. As a truck driver, it is discouraging when I hear someone make a comment about "those dumb@$$ truck drivers". First off, I bees calledge ejukated--second, most drivers are just trying to make a living. RVers seem to have a bit of a love/hate relationship with their bigger brothers :B

B. As a person who enjoys RVing, I always get a chuckle when towing my TT and I hear some recent truck school grad on the C.B. commenting how I should have a special license---and probably can't even back the trailer up. I chuckle because I never went to any fancy 6 week school---I learned the old way, with the guy who owned the truck next to me, threatening to beat me in the head if I wrecked his truck. I probably have more miles backing up, then that smart@$$ has going forward (he doesn't know about "A").

HOWEVER... Stupid is STUPID. Please note the parking spaces to the left & the spots to the right. The angle wasn't the best, but this RV is squarely parked in the travel lane between the parking spaces.

Please don't be this person...
  • He got it into the parking lot didn't he? Well that is sumpthin isn't it? He was probably thinking I'm Here How do you like me so far?
  • GaryWT wrote:

    I generally do not have issues with trucks on the road, all is good for the most part. The only thing that drives me nuts is on a 2 lane highway when a truck pulls out to pass another truck and they are basically going the same speed, it takes miles and miles for them to make the pass. This is an issue more when I am not towing...

    Amen. This is incredibly frustrating.

    Most truck drivers are pretty good though. And I drive a lot of highway miles per year.
  • jandjbaums wrote:
    The reason the trucks are parked on the onramps is because the rest areas are full of RVs. The pee bottles I dont really know about. The drivers have rules, the RVs dont. Not to be pissy!

    The trucks are parked there because of poor planning and lack of caring who they block in. They drive up to their limit and then park where ever.
  • I have said it over and over, no, absolutely no reasonable truck driver wants to replace a windshield. Their windshields cost as much or more than ones for an "A". I believe in the make eye contact rules, make contact with approaching truck operators and move to the right as far as you can. Try it and see how many of them move to the right also.

    My point is they are pros and need to roll, not stop for a police report. Give them the benefit of your driving for recreation and let them roll. The old Treat them the way you want them to treat you, rule.

    I have received help from some and unless the truck on the shoulder doesn't have a driver on his cell, I slow down and let them know I will stop if needed. Of course they could clean up the CB chatter a bit.