First, if you are not using enough water in your tank, "things" will not come out.
Second, if you are using enough water in your tank, "things" still do not come out completely the first time.
Third, if you are using enough water in your tank, "things" will begin to accumulate over time, even though you think it's all coming out.
How to prevent this slow build up? Well, first, simply dumping the thank once and then moving on does not get it "all". If you were to get a clear section of sewer pipe and attach to your outlet and what what is coming out, you'd see what I'm talking about.
The first dump drains most of the contents. But there is still "stuff" in there that's clinking on. Over time, this build up until you do literally have poop pyramids all over, that gradually grow and grow and grow.
To prevent this from happening in the first place, flush the tank out initially, then rinse it again. If you use that clear section of pipe, you'll be shocked how much MORE comes out when you fill the tank a second time.
Do it a 3rd time and you'll still be shocked how much more comes out. You thought it all came out that first time? Wrong! Absolutely not.
If you have a black tank rinser, use it. And watch what happens through that clear section of pipe.
I cleaned mine out very through a couple weeks ago at home. After the initial flush, I ran about 150 gallons of water though the tank until the water coming out of the tank ran clear. I catch it in my blue tote and then can dump it into my septic tank at home. So, I do know how much water I ran through the tank to clean it out. My tote is 32 gallons, and it was 5 trips to the septic tank.
Now think about it? You flush black once and out comes the "stuff". But now you rinse again (either by back flushing, the black tank flusher, or just adding more water down the toilet), and now you dump again. What color is the contents coming out! Right! Poop brown! So, where does all that Poop brown come from? It comes from all the stuff that didn't come out the first time. Over time, this builds up, and up, and up, and up.
My suggestion before doing anything drastic is to simply get that tank rinsed out completely. If you have to, get an RV toilet wand, attach to the end of a garden hose, and spray the he!! out of the tank until it runs clear. Those toilet wands are great! I think they work better and do more to clean the tanks than the built in black tank sprayer.
Anyway, do this first. See if it makes any difference. Flush that tank. Pulverize the inside with the tank flusher. Make it break up the crud stuck in there, and I but you'll be just fine!