bob213 wrote:
Agriculture and industry use 80% of California's water without any restrictions. Homeowner's use the rest and are restricted in their use??? The amount you use while in CA will be the "drop in the bucket" we hear about. Come and enjoy.
To set the record straight California agriculture is under huge water restrictions and have been for several years. Thousands of acres are now out of production with more projected, rice acreage is down by 50%, welfare roles have been swollen by laborers now out of jobs and almost any business in Ca. associated with agriculture in the state has been adversely affected. For the un-informed agriculture is Ca. largest economic sector.
No restrictions, give me a break. I am well aware of the consequences as a large part of my business is Ca. ag. oriented.
Now as campers our use is very low on the scale but as the belated conservation measures trying to be implemented by the state go into effect don't be surprised to find usage restricted in some campgrounds or areas.