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There was an interesting discussion/interview on KFBK radio with an expert in Calif water. For all water in our state, about 50% is for watershed, parks, reservoirs, etc. 40% is for Ag water, and the remaining 10% is for residential.
Now if you want to talk about water in our state that is touched by humans, 80% is Ag water and 20% is for humans. So the yahoo's here are complaining that Ag has too many water rights. WHAT? lets see - CA is the largest Ag state in the United States, we produce so much food for our country and we help feed the rest of the world too. You wanna take the water from Agriculture and re-allocate to residential? I think not.
Also the fallowed fields in 2014 totaled about 550,000 acres. This number will increase this year, as wells run dry, furrow irrigation using slope falters due to drying rivers and aquifers under the dirt causing dips and valley in fields. Lastly without flood irrigation, those same rivers and aquifers won't be recharged, until we have a very very wet winter someday.