If you are having premature failure in the head is there excessive wear on the bars as well? I can tell you from experience that Reese has had quality issues with the manufacturer of the snap-up brackets for their systems. Not sure if it is the same mfgr as the heads or not. We bought ours last year and went through 3 sets of the snap-up brackets. Have not had a single problem with the head or bars yet. Our dealer was great and easy to deal with. He contacted Reese on our behalf and they gave us upgraded snap-up brackets and now the heavier gusseted brackets are standard due to the issue with the others. I would bet that your dealer probably didn't have it dialed in properly and it failed due to stress. The dual cam is a B**CH to get set right sometimes but once it is on it is great. Mine took some tweaks to get right but now I love it.