I too share in the amusement of dump station follies and boat launches! Except, no I’m not installing my own sewer hookup for the few times a year I could haul my full tanks home.
What about all the times you’re not near home? OP, you’re right, some folks have no clue with simple tasks. Gives you a good idea of the average intelligence level of society.
My fave recent boat ramp story was this last year Mother’s Day. First hot weather here in Seattle and 2 months into the Rona nonsense, our gubner actually “allowed” lakes to be open. He actually closed boat ramps in the cold spring weather due to Rona. .... no comment for this thread.
Everyone who had a boat, whether it ran or not was at the lake. This launch has like 10 ramps and when we got there (late), people were parking up to a mile away. Lucked out and got a close up spot as someone was leaving. Yay!
End of day, ramps are PACKED. 2 lanes into 1, 1/4 mile long of boat trailers. Problem was, majority of the boat drivers were also the trailer backers so most boats were sitting until their rig made it through the line. Therefore only 2 or 3 ramps actively loading boats at any time. And they were slow. Only 1 tow rig swamped and getting towed out at this point though!
Finally got to the front of the line. Our 16 yo and couple other kids had the boat out of the mess, in a holding pattern waiting for me. Moms and other kids left in other vehicle to go procure dinner.
I waited a few minutes. No open slots all but 2 boats are waiting for their trailer back in line. I called son and said I’m pulling in center between opposite docks get ready drive boat on.
Backed in hopped out. Hollered at a couple people to get their boats sucked into the docks, turn their board racks in etc. Couple people actually cussed me and my kid out for “cutting in line”. Friggin tools! Was only doing what they weren’t skilled enough to.
Boy stuffed it right on the trailer. His friend winched and latched it and we were out of the water in less than a minute.
Life is hard, but it’s even harder if you’re stupid I guess!