Rude! That's too broad a brush for RVers who want full hookups. Pulling up every two days or so to empty gray tanks is not something I care for. Black tanks may go a week or longer. Honey wagons cost a lot and, i don't know if they are even allowed in Tn State Psrks. We have some great parks, and always tried to get a space with full hookups. parks have rules on lights out etc. I'm t Judgemental but maybe I am, but the people who come in for the week end or holiday with dirt bikes and golf carts and high power ones at that are what ruin t for the rest of us. Such is one county Prk in Southern Michigan to the east of Coldwater, Michigan. I don't many of the parks have full hookups, or only a few for staff etc.
have to choose the Parks you want to stay at. If I sit down for a week or two, i don't want to have to pull up to empty gray water every few days, or black tanks either..and fight to be able to flush the tanks because of an irate weekender, who doesn't care if you open the valve and let her rip so long as you get out of his way so he can get home for own reasons. I have set in line for over an hour at a dump station while it takes some a bit to empty and flush their tanks.
no one likes that. Rude?