I never updated this. I got the BO and installed it. Took it for a drive on a windy day, then scaled it. All weights and measurements were dead on. Since it was windy with strong crosswinds, I cannot say if all issues were resolved, however, Ford service did find that the EPAS needed to be recalibrated, so I am pretty sure now all issues are corrected. The wander when loaded is gone, and that was the biggest issue, with the truck wandering with a load in the bed, hooking a trailer that equals what the load was, that wander translates to the trail causing it to misbehave, and even the BO would not correct that. If I didn't have crosswinds on my test drive, I have a feeling that the wander would have still been present, but not as bad as it was with the Husky. The EPAS issue would explain why the Husky didn't work as well as it did on the 14.
Best part is I gained 400# of payload in the truck now that it is actually properly distributed. The 800# bars were too light for this truck and trailer, they would have to touch the frame to get it anywhere near where the BO is now. Returned the weight forward to where it should be, and returned a near equal amount back to the trailer. I do know there is no sway at all, even when I try to induce it.
This spring I will know if the calibration is good when I make a turn, the wheel should return to center and not sit canted like it has been.
This is what they recalibrated http://www.blueovalconnect.com/graphics/3-13-09/pull-drift-compensation.pdf
The repair was done after my road test.