Bumpyroad wrote:
IMHO they present more problems/issues than a manual one. wouldn't order one myself.
My thoughts exactly and the same applies to a lot of these for lack of better words better mouse traps poorly designed and executed. Electric awnings sort of fall into the same category as electric stabilizer jacks, electric dump valves, and even the electric macerator pump system and to some extend these electric steps. Having anything exposed to either the elements or to a harsh environment requires a well designed and superior execution/construction if you want it to last or work reliably. Out of the above about the only one that is more along the lines as a necessary evil are electric steps for MHs. This is not to say you can't have something electrical, but for it to really be up to snuff drives the cost in general WAY BEYOND what the vast majority of folks are willing to pay so they get the third world version and then are faced with the when not if issues that come with that. I hate the poor accessibility of my dump valves and would love to have the option of simply pushing a button to "DUMP", but from what I've read unless you can install them with the shaft and motor above the actual valve you are going to have reliability issues. I would even be willing to pay some significant $$$ ($300 or so each) if a valve was available that was a proven and reliable performer.
Finally, all the afore mentioned items are sort of for a time/convenience standpoint and when RVing one should not be in such a hurry and be more concerned with "smelling the roses" vs. sniffing every flower and blade of grass in the park.