This is a 2 part post the first part is in response to the quoted text.
Birdnst wrote:
Yall keep putting all your money into all these EV's and solar.
China really appreciates all your support and backing.
That is changing.. First they have found major Lithium deposits in the USA if I'm not mistaken plus working on more and more different types.
And we now have a battery plant under construction here in MICHIGAN and another I read about in another state. and those are just the ones I know of.
Now to the reason I'm posting in this thread.
For Some time I've been reading fear filled posts about Propane appliances... Some folks just flat do not trust them and want "All Electric" Because they think it's somehow safer.. They seem to think for example that the Fridge Fires only happen on Propane (not true) or they are worried about Leaks or some such.. Well leaks are rare (Valves left open are more common).. If you smell propane. Take care (Get out do not turn on lights or flick your bic) But I grew up with propane.. and had natural gas (Same hazards) in the house for over a quarter century (long enough my wife forgot how to cook on electric).
That's the big "Draw" of the all electric.. And it's 99% myth (or more)... Propane properly respected is safe.. I might add electric NOT properly respected is dangerous as well (I have electronics certificates) I can tell you that 500 VDC is very Shocking.
(I also have expierence).
Now we get to today.. Folks claim that Gas Stoves are worse for the environment. Convinced I'm not.. But I remain open to evidence.
I mean let's talk about your electric burner
You burn some fuel. Coal, Oil, Gasoline, Nuclear or in a few cases solar/wind/water (There is a major solar field just east of me. alas not my power company). Usually they boil water (ICE generators crank the coils direct) to produce steam which then turns a turbine that turns the generator coils.... Be it an ICE powered generator or steam powered the conversion from fuel to rotational energy is not 100%.
The conversion from Rotational to electricity is also not 100%.
Now we run it down miles of wires and through multiple transformers (Line loss in the wires and other losses in the transformer) and finally it arrives at your house where the only 100% efficient device in the chain... The heat element... Heats your teapot.
Now let's recount the propane range.. You burn propane to heat the teapot.
WOW was that easier to type.