Tachdriver wrote:
So does the emerald ash borer reside in maple wood?
No, the borers only reside in Ash. Not to say a mature beetle doesn't take a rest on a different species of tree once and awhile but they deposit their eggs into the bark of Ash. It is the larval state of the insect that does the damage, drilling through the bark and the trees circulatory layers, killing the tree.
I heat my shop with wood, been doing it for many years and I have a pretty good stack of wood still piled. For the minimal expense of buying local firewood, I don't take any of my stack with me to camp. The risk is greater than the reward.
FWIW, I worked on tree crews during the Dutch Elm disease days and it was tragic to see the amount of Elm trees removed. A lot of these trees were a major part of their neighborhood and when they were gone, the whole community seemed to suffer.