Iraqvet05 wrote:
So how do parks and CGs know they are not bringing in infested wood to sell? Do they have entomologists or someone from an extension office checking? I believe only ash trees are the effected, but I'm not sure what type of wood they are selling at my local CG.
Firstly, the Emerald Ash Borer does NOT infest just Ash trees, although it seems to have a preference for them. It attacks all hardwoods, oaks, hickories, you name it.
And no, they don't have somebody to inspect a given load of firewood, they rely on quarantines. When EABs are reported in a county, that county goes on the list, and firewood suppliers/buyers are supposed to not ship wood from quarantined counties.
Here in Virginia, EAB is in the northern counties, up by DC, but not down here in south central Virginia. I am not looking forward to the spread of that pest to our area.