Ford gauges move, they just do so in a non-linear fashion, they are heavily dampened electronically. Both the engine and trans temp have what is considered a "normal" operating range, inside this range, the gauges do not budge. Outside of that they both move incrementally. (I think leaving the distinction of what is normal is best left to those that built it, don't you?) My last 2 GM's HD's (and come to think of it, both of my previous Dodges) had oil pressure, temp, and volts gauges that waved around all day while I drove, I'm not sure that added any necessary info to my brain. Neither did the fuel gauge that stayed above half for 3/4 of the usable fuel range, or the inaccurate mileage readout that was off by 10% (GM)
Ford is obsessive about controlling operating temps, more so than other manufacturers have been in the past.
I have experienced both first hand, and it can be verified on other forums from people who use scangauges. (I previously ran a Scangauge II with x gauges, now I run and OBD WIFI Iphone dongle)
Side note - It would be nice to see the 60's trans temp chart disappear from the internet forever. Temperature operating ranges have changed over the years!