Take a trip down memory lane about Corn and Ethanol.
It was huge. I know in the Wisconsin area ethanol plants where cropping up all over taking farmers land by eminent domain. Protests were everywhere.
The gov had a grandeur plan. Big money maker for the farm bill. Plant corn and make ethanol. Pay farmers more to plant for ethanol than to plant and sell for food. And market it as renewable because you can keep on growing corn.
My neighbor at the time went from planting thousands of acres of alfalfa to all corn to jump on the big money band wagon. Those that remember, it also sent prices of any food product with corn in it right off the charts.
I was back up north awhile back and ALL of the ethanol plants that did get built, and some just starting to be built, are all abandon, vacant, and decaying.
That's the back story of ethanol. The big money plan boomed and bust years ago and taking years to trickle down. And they finally found out that if all the farmers planted corn for ethanol it wouldn't make a dent in reducing fossil fuel consumption.
""Every time you make 1 gallon of ethanol, there is a net energy loss of 54,000 Btu." * Ethanol from corn costs about $1.74 per gallon to produce, compared with about 95 cents to produce a gallon of gasoline.""
Has any one heard the rumor that they may stop forcing us to buy gas with ethanol in it? I read the program may be stopped.
I don't know where you live but here in Florida I have a gas station down the road that has had 2 'ethanol free' gas pumps for years.