Turtle n Peeps wrote:
But to say things like alky puts out less power than gasoline is silly. Or to say things like E10 puts out more smog than pure gasoline is really silly
Please don’t attribute words to me that I did NOT say.
You cannot add something with much lower energy content and then expect equal work out of it.
Laboratory tests are just that, lab results, what really matters is the results of millions of vehicles going up & down the road every day.
Ethanol has 2 tendencies that cause a relatively large adverse effect on mileage, first is that it blends very well with gasoline, the second is that it is very hygroscopic, it really likes absorbing and holding onto water.
When you run that water-entrained mixture through a vehicle it causes another series of issues. First and foremost, the energy content is further degraded beyond what the ‘lab tests’ showed it was. Secondly though, and more importantly, it fools various sensors in the engine. When fuel containing water is burned that water flashes into steam which ups the oxygen content of the exhaust. When the O2 sensor sees the additional oxygen it interprets that as meaning the engine is running to lean and so riches the mixture.
The end result of all of that is an engine running too rich and burning more fuel to do the same work.
The math is simple.
If a motorhome gets 10mpg on straight gas and does a 5,000 mile trip it will burn 500 gallons of gasoline.
If that same motorhome gets 9mpg on E10 fuel and does that same 5,000 mile trip it will burn 555.6 gallons of fuel.
So now you’ve burned the same 500 gallons of gas, PLUS an additional 55.6 gallons of water-entrained ethanol.