I talked the DW into letting be install a Ranch Hand bullnose bumper on my truck for the wildlife.
I was going to comment IMO most bull bars or whatever you want to call them. Some do more damage when you do impact something than without. But looking at pic's on-line, I like yours. Not going to bend in fenders etc and cause more damage.
I drive no more than 45 so I have lots of stopping distance in front of me, people pass me giving a wave and they create all kinds of stopping distance for me.(OK joking):)
I always try to think of what to do in certain situations on the road.
Stopping distance is primary in avoiding hitting something IMO
Before I retired and it was slow at work and a little group of us went thru over 20 years of data of all our corp accidents. All class 8 trucks. I never once read where someone said they had to much "stopping distance".
Our wildlife accidents was mostly during hours of darkness plus or minus an hour from sunup to sunset.
Other info:
"Vehicle in reverse" at time of accident outnumbered all other accidents, by a very large percentage.
Second highest accident percent was "vehicle in tight quarters" as in being close to something.
But what surprised me was "Vehicle left roadway and lost control" . Not just dollar amount but the injury's and yes a couple deaths. Example is when a vehicle coming at you on 2 lane hwy, you move over or leave the roadway to "prevent the accident", then driver would "over correct" to get back on roadway and lose control. Of course those accidents are also hard to prove driver was not asleep or digging in lunch box etc. The old saying of "be sure to take some paint with you before leaving road" so could prove you were forced off the roadway is easier said than done.
To bad more people don't think about safety more often.
Thanks for your post, safety is always a good reminder.